There isn't much that conventional medicine can do to combat colds and flu so it's great that we can look to nature to provide us with a healing solution.
Elderberries contain vitamins A, B and C and have anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore they will stimulate and support your immune system to fight off illness.
I am passionate about teaching my children how they can heal themselves so always get them involved when I am making syrups and tinctures. We often go foraging for fresh elderberries to make our special 'witchy potion' but if we miss the season for them, we buy dried elderberries which are just as effective (remember not to eat the berries as they can cause vomiting and diarrhoea).
Below is the recipe I use to make elderberry syrup - I hope it's something you can enjoy doing with you family too!
840ml water
85g dried elderberries (or 165g fresh or frozen)
2 tbsp ginger (grated)
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground cloves
1 cup raw honey
Pour the water, elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves into a pan
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the liquid has reduced by almost half
Remove from heat and cool
Mash the berries up while still in the mixture
Strain the mixture into a bowl
Get rid of the mashed elderberries and let the mixture cool to lukewarm
Add the honey and stir it in
Pour the mixture into a glass jar/ bottle
Store in the fridge and take daily to boost your immunity through the winter months
Stay well x
How much do you take Daily? Is it the same for kids? (Ages 5,3,1)